Thursday 15 March 2012

Get A Taste: Phoenix Rising

Tara of Basically Books and I often read very different books but sometimes find interesting new books to potentially add to the ever-growing monsters that our TBR piles have morphed into. However, we know that we do not have 100% the same taste and we wanted another way of getting a look at these books...

Do you ever feel like getting a bit of a taster for a book you’ve been thinking of reading but aren’t fully sold on yet? Do you feel like sharing a taster for your current read with the world? Well, here’s your chance.

Each week the random number generator will pick a number between 1 and 100 for books with pages or 1 and 25% for ebooks. We figured that these numbers would keep us out of spoiler territory. Open your book to the specified place and pick a paragraph. Share it with the world!

The numbers for this week are:
p92 for books
25% for ebooks

My book is:

Click image to go to Goodreads page

Eliza's jaw tightened, and by the gods she wished for dynamite and a knife. In lieu of that she took off her shawl, displaying her other arsenal, the one that got her into as much trouble as the aforementioned physical weapons. She was rewarded with an indrawn breath from Wellington as he caught sight of her sharply drawn-in corset.
"Good God, Miss Braun, did you wear that in Bedlam?"

I'm getting towards the end of this book now and I've really enjoyed it! It's steampunk with a bit of a twist. I like that it's written in a slightly humorous tone. And no vampires or werewolves! Woo!

Do you want to join in too? Here’s how:
Step 1: Copy and paste the Get A Taste image.
Step 2: Copy and paste our intro or write your own but it must link back to both of our blogs.
Step 3: Find the designated page for the week.
Step 4: Type out a paragraph or so from your book.
Step 5: Post it and share it!
We would appreciate it if you'd leave a comment letting us know where we can find your post. We'll be sure to pop on by and leave a comment!
Thanks and have fun!


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